Saturday, 7 May 2011

PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE and the naming of names

"Frustrated with the lack of transparency at the court, another regime survivor took the unusual step of publicly naming all five suspects in a press release on Thursday. The move puts author and human rights activist Theary Seng at risk of being in contempt of court, legal experts said."

Khmer Rouge victims urge transparency from court


I am a victim (not a neutral observer or a judicial officer) alleging serious criminal charges against Meas Muth and Sou Met.

I am not the only victim, but one among millions with the same right to make public allegations about our injuries and claims.

The problem with mass crimes is that they produce majority victims in the minority public with the right to speak publicly about their claims and other available information (publications of the last 35 years!).

In accusing me of “mere speculation” with “no basis”, Mr. Olsen is asking me and other victims to suspend our reason, logic and knowledge of these materials relevant to our cases.

Mr. Olsen is mistaking the right of mass victims with obligations of the court officials and minority unaffected public; this is not a simple murder in the local neighborhood by which the PoI principle is to be viewed through a very narrow local lens without incorporating the countless distinguishing factors associated with mass crimes of international renown.

- Theary C. Seng, civil party applicant to cases 003 and 004

ECCC/UN Asleep, Hiding behind Veil of Confidentiality

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